
Aikaterini Ziaka is a specialized NDT-Bobath physiotherapist in the field of neurorehabilitation in infants, children and adults with neuromotor and musculoskeletal disorders, with 29+ years of experience.
She graduated from the Physiotherapy department of SHWP of ATEITH in 1991. From 1991 she exclusively deals with the provision of physiotherapy treatment to infants, children and adults with neuromotor and musculoskeletal disorders. She specializes in the Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT-Bobath) method. She was a laboratory associate of ATEITH in the Neuro-rehabilitation of patients with CNS damage from 1999 until 2010.
She was a professor in 2005-2006 at the 1st and 3rd IEK with the subject of Neuro-rehabilitation of patients with CNS damage. She holds an MSc degree in “Exercise and Health” from the University of Thessaly and the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science. Since September 2016 she is a member of the H-OMT (Hellenic Orthopedic Manipulative Therapy Diploma) for the acquisition of the postgraduate diploma as a Manual therapist.
Successfully attended postgraduate seminars:
- Bobath NDT Basic Course
- Bobath NDT Baby Course
- Bobath NDT Advanced Baby Course
- Halliwick Basic Course
- Tape Therapy Course
- Assessment and Intervention Strategy – Measurement tools Course
- Bobath NDT Basic Course
- Advanced Neuro-Musculoskeletal and Sports Taping Techniques
- H-OMT Pain Course Neurophysiology-Assessment-Management
- H-OMT Upper Extremity – Basic Course
- ADVANCED NDT-Bobath Course with the subject «The visual system in the rehabilitation of neuromotor disorders»
She is a member of the Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists and a founding member of EENA. She is married and the mother of 2 children.